ERROR_WRITING_THUMBS_PATH=Could not write path of thumbnail archive into PObjects.ini
TYPICAL_DETAILS=Select this option to install all the components of Hemera Photo-Objects to your hard disk. This option provides extra fast Photo-Object searches with instant display of thumbnail images. Requires 45 MB of free disk space.
COMPANY_NAME=Hemera Technologies
ERROR_UNUSEDLL=UnUseDLL failed.\n\nDLL still in memory.
STR_COPY_SHARED_DLLS=Copying shared DLLs...
ERROR_COMCTLUPD=Could not start common control update program (40Comupd.exe).
ERROR_MOVEDATA=An error occurred during the move data process: %d
ERROR_SPACE_REQUIRED=There are only %d MB free on drive %s and a %s setup requires %d MB.\n\nFree-up disk space on the destination disk or click the Back button if you would like to change the destination drive.
COPY_THUMBS_ERROR=Could not copy Hemera Thumbnails Archive (Thumbs.hta).\n\nA Compact setup will be performed instead of the Typical setup that was selected.
ERROR_UNINSTSETUP=unInstaller setup failed to initialize. You may not be able to uninstall this product.
COMPACT_DETAILS=Select this option if you want a small installation. This option requires that you insert the CD to browse the Photo-Object thumbnails. Requires 10 MB of free disk space.
STR_COPY_PROG_DLLS=Copying program DLLs...
STR_COPY_PROG_COMP=Copying program components...
STR_MSG1=The setup of %P is complete.\n\nPlease register your Photo-Objects Holidays & Festivities Collection software by choosing the Register Product Online command in the application's help menu or by returning the completed registration card.